hey okay wholeness and balance vibrations here we are here we are
let’s go ahead and let it breathe let’s let it go live
all right let’s see hey okay
what’s up family homeless and balanced vibrations thank you so much for tuning in we have a special evening to share
together the show is facebook
why the name change meta but you of course know this is about something way more vast so let me give give a second
to um see what’s up with my chat there we go okay bam and let me see if i can get the
chat in here yes i can and so i’ll wait till that gets into the feed so we’re going to get
this started balanced balance this is actually the waking life edition i’ve been working on my own
little live animations it seems kind of fitting especially with the topic of today uh in relation to the metaverse so
we’re going to go ahead and give everyone the opportunity to to get into the space this evening so that means
we’re going to take a few minutes but we’re going to do that live on the set today and so let’s go ahead
and get to it let me see here wholeness i trust that everyone can see
me if you cannot please let me know in the tribe and we’re going to get to it tonight this evening let’s go let’s go
let’s go i feel so rejuvenated all the time
we have here nitric acid glycerin and a special mixture of my own
the resistance is planning something bigger i can’t be the first one who wanted to
travel around your own micro circuits without permission from the master control program
i mean sending me down here to play games who does he calculate he is
how dare you you all come to us young people for hope
we have here nitric acid glycerine and a special mixture of my own together it’s
horrible dangerous stuff blows you up and mixed together in the right way as only i know how what do you think it
makes our purpose our purpose
[Music] to create a star within a star
i can’t be the first one who wanted to see my youngest self
the galaxy to your eyes 100 billion
[Music] though the blood of a king runs through your veins it
finally we get to at a certain point this eighth and ninth dimensional being
the resistance is planning something bigger damn right
so you know math is never just numbers in the wrong hands it’s a weapon
in the right hands deliverance
and here we go i trust that everyone again is feeling well and that you are lifted today
and that you are rejuvenated to be in the space once more we are on october
31st this is the closest the realm gets to the ancestral plane so we celebrate
the ancestors because we are still here we are alive we are stronger we are
growing we are uniting and that is the purpose so i want to go ahead and launch
right into this this evening because i’m not here to keep you all evening but i do want to give you
some more knowledge and information that you left with me in order to create yet
more wisdom which is your application of this information so as i said this
evening it is actually waking life night so this means that
what i’m about to go through right now it’ll be a bit more easier for you to digest if this is your first time coming
into the space because you can always back off for a minute and say wait a minute he’s joking right
he’s using this this comic animation so you know this is cool you know i guess you know i’d love it from a science
fiction level but he can’t be serious about what he’s saying and for those that have a third
eye to hear and the third ear to to hear a third eye to see and a third ear to
hear then you will know the information and wisdom in which i bring today is not
only in a timely manner because there has been a milestone reached in the dimension but also
that this is time for us to actually see once more what’s going on around us and
to not only predict the future because the map is not the terrain itself but give
ourselves a bit of an idea of what it’s going to be like to go through the next 10 to 15 years and what we need to do
right now in order to actually allow the path to be smooth for our feet so let me
do this let me go ahead and move the overlay really briefly and this is what it is so
first and foremost again we’re entering a new phase of a master plan
and now a master plan there’s not only one planner there’s not only one
mind if you may there are many minds and i always say may the strongest mind win
and the strongest mind is that of the people and this is also why we’re dealing with so many different
situations because now the people’s minds which are point-to-point systems themselves are being programmed and
utilized to project the realm around most of us unless we decide to come out
of those matrixes and those distorted rooms and actually create our own worlds
and so that is the matter at hand so this evening i’m also here to answer a question that i received quite a few
times from some some of those that i hold closest to me asking me about meta
and why facebook made the change of their name and that’s that seemed to impact things so much it actually seemed
to uh go across the airwaves quite strongly now what i wanted to do is be a bit more
relevant these days to what’s happening around us so that we can connect it all but it is the usual suspects meaning
that to take a step back here for a moment you would have to ask especially if this
is your first time jumping in what gives us this awareness in this wisdom and by what authority
do we speak and what i mean by that is that you know if you turn on the internet and and you know it’s some
three-year-old there or three-year-old mindset telling you how to run your life do you really believe them
obviously not however when someone that has some type of credentials or has
accomplished some type of accolade in life tells you something then you have a
tendency to listen you have a tendency to respect their opinion and to begin to apply it to your life
so what determines that is what kind of authority is the person speaking from
and what kind of what kind of endorsement what kind of metric are they using to authenticate
the wisdom and the knowledge in which they speak or the theories in which they speak
and so for me personally what i always would lean on is the language
the language is a code that it resides within every form of consciousness on this planetary system and when you
understand the power of language and what the words really mean and how the tones and the vibrations
evoke multiple things on different frequencies you’ll understand that the mind itself is not
something that conceives thought it is a receiver it receives
and transmits so because we have all of these receivers in this node system around our
our brains we can become perceptive and be interwoven
and intermeshed inside of multiple realities as what you’re witnessing in the dream world where you can literally
be plunged into a reality every single night that you have no clue is going to go on if you’re if your day was like
that if every day you literally woke up in a different world and lived out a different kind of
adventure where either you were getting shot at or you know you was on jumping off a mountain and you were flying and
you know if that was your every day you could imagine what it would be like to run across someone going on their
progress of having their dream of you know just amazing things happening so what i’m saying directly is
is that we have a dream world in the dream world when we load up there’s all types of things that can be
done especially if you’re lucid while in this world you know this world has a level of conformity and an actual
governor which is under the symbol of the pentagram and lord governor in this case is the one determining how
this external matrix is progressing and what kind of powers and abilities are being used in this plane you have yet to
really see a human fly if a human flew across the stadium it’s a wrap for earth
like imagine it’s so easy to create a christ effect here by displaying someone
that is able to do something so abnormal that others are not able to do that everyone immediately wanders after them
so it’s just like a loaded cannon in this case it’s this dimension is ripe for an event
and those events shift humanity and change the direction in which this gigantic spaceship is going
as we’ve always said big ship small rudder visualize it big ship
but that little rudder is what’s determining what direction is going to go in so
this neat this evening i wanted to bring that awareness again to the linguistic system and what we’ve been able to do
with it since the inception of the book the code to the matrix which is available on the internet for free
that gets me in a time where i’m fresh off of vast
chakra awakening all of them and my eyes are completely open and i’m getting a transmission about the
language that in order for you to go any further with the awareness
of what is going on you need to know how to communicate so you need to know what the we need to
have some kind of medium communication so you need to know what this this this matrix is really made out of
but i need to speak to you in a certain language and what happened to me at that stage was
the english language was put into a wheel
where all of the words began to file into each other
and words that sounded alike but were spelled different ways started to give me keys to the transitional
points in the language to decode a massive mainframe and it is the mainframe in which most
are thinking in and also the revelation that english is not the only language obviously so all the languages are
created and designed to actually create matrixes of codes and symbols within
your consciousness so as a master when you look at the matrix you only see code
you do not see the gui you do not see the overlay you go right to the code
and for those that are programmers they know what i’m talking about it’s not the pretty side of everything it’s what’s
underneath that most people don’t understand but those who understand it are actually able to reprogram the
consciousness and the framework of the reality mostly for themselves
meaning that all is self so that means getting yourself together is very important so these secrets in which
we’re going to speak on tonight should really only be seen in the application of what they can do for you
so the first example again of let’s just give a quick example of how we use
language to predict the future without breaking down the entire linguistic system because there’s 600
videos on youtube that i have doing that in a variety of ways let’s just look at one that would be would have been very
beneficial to anyone that was actually listening to us when we were talking about the future and we were explaining
even what’s happening now in so many of these arenas and this one specifically is about how
we were able to decode that the energy the primary energy of the age becomes
the god of the age and the god of the age is always directly linked to money
in god we trust meaning the symbol or the form of currency that is being used
also is infused with whatever the reigning god or energy is of that time
because it is the current and it is the force in which makes things go we also talk about through ages just
like we have the gold age then we have an oil age industrial age a digital age that we still see lingering energies
lingering energies from the past of different systems of current like gold and we even have beings that had
mastered that system like you know the gold bugs or your feudal lords and uh
every single system has its masters if you may in the lineage of his master still here on earth but they oftentimes
are not as powerful as the reigning current so we were looking at this and and we
saw that if if ages changed based on
the god’s current what age were we going into next and since i was able to follow this sequence
of first us looking at oxen which is auroch or the first letter of the english language which was not only a
cow god during that time and not only a people such as the sumerians who
utilized that symbol of horns and even residing to this day in our bible
and two bowl cane and all of these different bull and cow and oxen and boved references that the first money on
record was that of oxen and how many cattle and how many
uh sheep and how many horned animals you had determine how much money you had
all the way to this day that we saw ourselves coming into another energy and this
energy clearly was ether coming into the awareness of an energy that is already present
since all energies are present at all times but an energy in which was going to be used and this was looking at the
body that the body has a field around it it has an electromagnetic spectrum
around it it has a chakra system if you may which is a light system and those
light systems actually correspond to wavelengths it has organs that actually project or emit specific frequencies and
those frequencies dial you into a specific reality so seeing that and that the world was not yet aware of that and
seeing the process processions of energetics we realized that somehow the next current of the world was going to
be called aether and we realized that right around the time
that ethereum was sitting on kickstarter for one less than one dollar
and we taught that class and i heard some actually made that investment and at this stage they are 4 000 x
so it’s not all about money but an ode to when you know the future how you’re
able to prepare yourself and since the future is written in the
sky and the sky is basically a circle this means that this record is going to
keep playing and all of our all our ancestors were concerned about was looking
and figuring out first the code that was in the sky so they could determine when things were going to happen
and then once they were able to phase that in they begin to move through time or move through the stars and which is
called star travel if you may in order to put themselves or take journeys in which they wanted to actually continue
to learn more from this university or universe
so specifically our guide or one of our guides encompasses in this universe is
the language because the language is a dot-to-dot if you may of the stars and
when you see language as a symbol it’s saying hey this symbol is
emitting this energy because during this time this energy starts happening on
earth and you also get a ton more
knowledge and awareness because you also see that certain insects come out at a certain time
certain trees sprout at a certain time certain colors are more present at a certain time so you actually begin to if
you may come into the great architects work box meaning whatever the creator is
the matris as they may call her the one that actually developed the original system
that is what you begin to see is the tools and the crafts in which are used in
order to form this projection so now we have many hijackers of this
knowledge we have a countless period of time meaning that this is taking place in a
quantum cycle so you have every space and time in one moment and then you have space and time
playing out linear in certain projections so just like today we look out at the pyramids
and we see it desolate we go to anchor watt and we see the temples crumbled but
i tell you there’s another space where all of those constructs and those temples are in full alignment and
activated and where we are is in a wavelength in which that has not taken
place so we are able to transport ourselves to a fully active realm and we call that
activation so now i want to clarify that since we’re in the world of
aether this was right around the time that the ethernet came out and if you
see the word it says that literally ether can be placed in a net or is in a
net and since we know that ether is the field that is around our body it seems
to reason that somehow the field that around is around our body will start becoming tampered with that there will
start being an overlay to the field that is around our body and it will in many ways net the
consciousness now since we’re all souls and souls are
cognate of fish and we’re in here in a university so that means that we’re all in school then
if there’s nets being drawn and there’s fishers of men on the realm
and even great sailors that have been known to be here then we have to enlighten ourselves to the awareness and
until the realization that we need to be on point when making sure that we don’t get trapped up in somebody
else’s net or projection or caste so
as i said before the brain is not a creator a thought
it is a receiver and so when the awareness of ethernet
comes to the world which it is here now then there’s an awareness of wavelengths
and frequency and i’ve mentioned time and time again that if you study frequency really heavy
you’ll see that something fishy is going on literally that the same wavelength that many of
your thoughts go down are the same wavelengths that are actually on your radio station
102.5 the beat 99.9 99.5 on your dial that those are
actually in the same wavelength as many of your thought projections sometimes you wonder why you
get up with that song in your mind it’s like that it can’t get this song out of my mind where did it come from
and it’s that awareness that also if you notice that there are many organizations many of those organizations secret that
actually do not allow you to communicate or to broadcast down certain frequencies because those frequencies are used by
them and there’s also certain frequencies if you study ham radio which is another name for the sun
cam if you study ham radio you’ll know that you actually need a license to jump on certain frequencies and wavelengths
so what’s the big deal about frequencies and wavelengths and as i said before the
brain is not a creator of thought it is a receiver so anything that is coming down
those wavelengths especially specific ones you become prone to
so now we’re going to jump into the depths of this awareness because
we’re not on the surface tonight this is in depth conversation as i said third eye to see third ear to here
i want to take a moment because i actually did not get my coolant
literally and since tonight we may go nuclear i want to make sure that we don’t have a meltdown in this so i would
advise you right now to take a moment gather yourself
realize that you’re in this space with us
dial out to any type of anxiety maybe the chart went down you may have full mode in
it was going up and now it’s going down on your investment or she may be talking crazy to you he made
it and come home last night maybe you found something in the phone
maybe the kids talking back and all of that distraction that is most of the time keeping you from dialing
into you that this time is for you this time is the moment that you have
the opportunity to regenerate so we’re going to come forward in just a
moment get yourself a refresher if you have paulo santo and sage on deck big
ancestors wholeness definitely get it lit you know they got the ghosts and gobblers running around
tonight just child’s play child’s play we’re here to get real and to get in
tune and to get connected with what’s happening in order for us to make the decisions for ourselves and our family
and anyone else that is in our resident field to be able to get onto our ships
of sovereignty if necessary but most importantly begin to create their own
all right so go ahead and get some water we’re coming to it in just a minute [Music]
we have here nitric acid glycerin and a special mixture myo
[Music] well then why can’t we see it
i can’t be the first one who wanted to see my youngest son
your awareness may be powerful enough to control your instincts your instinct will be
to remove your hand from the box [Music]
[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
okay here we go all right so i trust that you got a chance to refresh yourself and you’re ready to do your thing
and obviously this takes you to tap in just see it around you put two and two
together and actually create the whole picture in the projection see yourself
in it and then see your way to where you want to be that’s what this is all about all of that complaining about when is
this going to stop what are we gonna do about them let’s end it all of that stuff it’s just about you creating and
when you create enough space to be able to even have others and sustain others
then folks will be there with you if you build it they will come but sitting here complaining all day about what these
folks are up to and what how they’re getting into the projection that’s just wasting time now it’s time for you to be
completely aware of what’s up what’s happening and then how you’re going to be able to maneuver yourself in this
matrix to cause a greater level of connection for you okay so here we go
give me one quick second yeah okay here we go so
how this works is is that as i mentioned before in this process so
remember this has been now 12 years for us so 12 years is a lot of time generally
at 10 years you reach a certain level of mastery we just call it a tenure okay so
10 years you’re going to hit some level of mastery as long as you stay in whatever you’re doing and so for 10
years we’ve been cracking metaphysics in this process if we were to define
what the we would be probably in the best position to define what the word meta means
so to make it very clear the word meta is very interesting because it’s actually a it’s almost superfluous
this word meta some say it means death but others say it actually means the
goal or the end so you can see how that actually all says the same thing because
to some they perceive that death is the end and for others they perceive that
death is inevitable and somewhat of a goal and so you have a certain amount of time
then to actually figure this puzzle out and that amount of time is your own
personal orbit so when we say meta meta is a word that we use to begin to
break down or give a definition clearly of whatever is being referred to and
that’s why there is always a different a word added to meta so let’s take the
word meta data what that means is basically more data or data that is going to
explain the data when we use the word metaphysics we’re saying a form of physics that’s going to
explain the physics it’s to break it down finally even further to the last
thing so that everybody gets it so this big transition if you may of the
word meta being invoked into the reality because it’s being done by a unified
construct that is a corp it is a body it is an eidolon we will take a moment for that just to
realize that this creation of a corporation is indeed mystical
the company that creates these corporations that you see in your face every single day and brands that you
grew up on are is actually called pentagram at pentagram.com
check it for yourself and in that process since they are master occultist then they are able to
take the entire procedure from concentration of the logo or the logos
and then the embedding of the logos with the energetics of what is needed to form a corp and
then to breathe life into it as an entity so when the filing of all of the paper
in the oafs and the packs and the contracts are done then this entity is able to arise and first create a
building or a skeleton and then fill it with people and life put a penthouse or
a pineal gland on the top and then put its roots in the basement and it’s as its files and then again fill it with
people that are working and using their energy to power something massive all united
into this cause of this corporation and so when these sigils sit on the
altar and they begin to work the electromagnetic magic
they send it down these symbols in these logos and then those that are around it
in it or wearing it begin to receive the vibration or the resonance from it
so this is just a word to the wise that everything around you is indeed a stage
at times it’s not exactly what you’re looking at that’s why we don’t pay attention to the
gui we don’t pay attention to the framework that is overlaying the code we
look at the code and the code tells us everything the code cannot
be conflicted it is the only truth because if it’s not
used then the entire construct or the illusion breaks down
so we then have the definition of meta
meaning that it’s actually more of like a grand crescendo
it’s like if someone said that they were working on the plan it’s like the completion of a plan so facebook
announcing meta is basically saying our plan is complete
but what is that plan and so we always go first to what we call
especially since we have this powerful tool the metaphysical data set
the metaphysical data set the metaphysical data set was
an idea that i had of creating a spiritual ai
in this case ai being a very proficient search system
a system that is able to scan data and information using the algorithms and
using the integers that you plug into it so in my world i see these technologies
which are actually very old as being useful for crunching data and
actually connecting stories especially spiritual stories that took place in different places and times in order to
corroborate what really happened through the linguistic structure so the metaphysical data set at this
stage consists of approximately 12 to 13
key books that mainly linguistic books books that focus
on etymology that when i query bring back very interestingly accurate
data about whatever i query and so when i get creative with the keyword i type this keyword in and it
begins to bring data back to me and almost like it’s living itself i’m able
to connect that data into exactly what is going on in the reality and what is happening in
relation to that word so now we have to examine very briefly
what the metaphysical data set says about the word meta and when it’s evoked
in the metaphysical data set what it what is around it or it’s corresponding to
and amazingly enough the data set tells us exactly what facebook is doing and what we
already know facebook has been doing but it confirms it through the linguistic system but it also lets us
all know that hey this is the truth and it’s about to get a bit more stranger
and not being aware this especially for those that are going to continue to immerse into certain realities
it’s gonna just draw them in and since they never had a line to let them know
hey you’re still you’re in a dream they’re gonna go all in and actually
become tied into an entirely different network that is gonna dictate how they function okay so we’re actually looking
at with the launch of meta the birth of the matrix and if you look real closely movies such
as inception with leonardo dicaprio and and many other movies uh or video
games even such as cyberpunk uh blade runner many of these movies
actually have all of the same people all in the same group all projecting this specific idea of what the future
they want to live in should look like and what it should consist of okay so let’s just get into the esoteric
side of this first let me go ahead with my screen capture
now what we’re going to have to do here is we’re going to have to connect the word meta
to the word karen amazingly enough which has become a new buzzword in the reality a karen
somebody who kind of just jumps in very annoying you know very programmed starts you know
talking about stuff to get everybody you know into some type of anxiety some
type of conflict so let’s look at this it says so we have here in an identification of
the data set the word meta let me just go to that really briefly here
it’s not highlighting it for me but it is showing me my bookmark
i just want to know exactly where i should start and i think it was right here okay so here we go we’re going to
read from the page ironically 322 sticks and stones may hurt my bones but
sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me
so right here listen both enlightenment and pernicious the
karen familiar adopted within islamic teachings are able to manipulate
thinking and shape the faculty of thought seducers and tempters of mankind their
unremitting intrusion upon the intellect can inspire and in extreme cases lead to
confusion or insanity in general it can be stated that the
whole western philosophical tradition including psychoanalytical theory is construed upon a hidden demonic
tradition a discourse between mortals and divinities
in the language of jung philemon was simply a superior knowledge and he
taught me psychological objectivity and the activity of the soul he formulated and
expressed everything which i had never thought okay so let me demystify what is being said here to you
in holographic culture it’s saying that in this philosophical tradition or
school systems even that we’re dealing with right now they fail to admit
or acknowledge that there is a spiritual world
and that there are events that are factual that people have come in contact
with other life forms and that even to the point that these other life forms some of whom are out of
our visual spectrum have actually been interacting with our world and have from
time to time if not all the time guided its destiny and that there were so many men and
women who mentioned this in history even in positions of authority that for it
not to be in our system of learning proves that there is a cover-up
happening and that there is something that is going on that is not
known and and that is the context of this entire thing the context of this entire
thing is is that if if we were taught about the other wavelengths and the other intelligent
life forms that are also interacting with us then there would be no qualms to this stage
however since we aren’t we then have to assume that something is maliciously keeping us aware of this knowledge
because we find it deeply embedded in every part of our reality now what is being mentioned specifically
here is something that we should pay attention to because i find it to be the call sign
of many of uh basically the call sign of how things are going to begin to happen
for others and and how they’re going to begin to hear things that they think is even their own thoughts so watch this
very specifically it says philemon was simply a superior knowledge so this
is jung talking okay so give let me give you the context of this jung is is basically saying that he was
in communication with something something was talking to him and giving him knowledge so it says philemon and he
gave it the name philemon so he says philemon was simply a superior knowledge and he taught me
psychological objectivity and the activity of the soul so whoever whatever philemon was it was
able to teach jung the superior knowledge and this knowledge had to do with
psychological objectivity how the mind functions and the soul functions in conjunction with the mind and it says he
formulated and expressed everything which i had never thought which is a key marker here because all
of a sudden one becomes in possession of knowledge that was not actually available in their consciousness before
because the mind is a receiver not a creator of thought
so notice how here’s another very very interesting thing and it’s just about how
this exact same notion and let me pull this other this other novel here it’s called the
book of words this same interaction
actually happens also according to
if we’re looking in the the the tabulous
so we’re looking at we’re looking basically in the emerald tablets remember what we just read and now look
at what it says here in the emerald tablets
once when i was reflecting okay so this is hermes tris megistas this is an author hermes
hermes trish megistus pymander is the title okay so the author is talking about
his communication and interaction with hermes tris magistis piemander
he says once when i was reflecting in regards to entities my mind greatly exalted but the senses
of my body lulled to unconsciousness as when they are heavy with sleep from
sagety of food and bodily labor i see
i seem to see a very great somewhat of indefinite dimensions
that called my name and said to me what doest thou desire to hear and to
behold and what by the intellect conceiving to learn and know
i said but thou who art thou i indeed he said
empomander the mind of him who is the lord i know what thou desirest and i am
with thee everywhere i said i wish to learn existences and to understand their
nature and to have cognition of god how i wish to hear
he said have me again in thy mind whatever those desires to learn i will teach thee when
he had said this he changed in form and there upon all things were open to me in
a moment so this is what i mean by two direct accounts of
those in the historical setting seeming to come in contact with a form
of intelligence of or consciousness directly inside of their mind and these
are the core foundations also of the western uh esoteric tradition under the
sign of an all-seeing eye also known as aku oculo or oculus meaning the i which
is where the word occult occ aku comes from it means the i
because the eye is the gateway to the soul and everything is emitting from the soul
and so this level of knowledge is a level of knowledge and awareness of vast
forms of consciousness and intellect that possess a level of thought that is capable of decoding and demystifying the
spiritual aspects of the body and also the mental aspects of the body and where
they’re interrogant and that spiritual and physical aspect of the body is also
called the exoteric or the esoteric it’s also called the mammal and the reptile
it’s also called the demon and the reptile it’s called many different things the left and the right
it’s called the double-edged sword the israeli or the ishmaeli it is in all
forms of the world the systems that are in themselves almost like a mirror of each other the difference in arabic and
the difference in hebrew is only the difference between an r and an l which
hints to the right and the left side or the opposing forces that only when you
bring them together will you have the opportunity to really see the complete picture
okay so now let’s just realize though that there are those that are on
this realm and outside of time that already have vast intellects and actually send
transmissions in order to create certain events and activities and govern the
world and they have conduits meaning they actually have an arraignment or an
array of vessels these are willing servants that their bodies have been configured
to receive the degrees of the energy of these spirits because these spirits or
energies are measured in degrees because degrees is also a measurement
for knowledge and also heat because many of these spirits are as a flaming fire
but you also have a spirit inside of you or else you would be cold
and so this art of spirituality is the study of spirits in order to
understand more about self and while this may be a perilous path
with many dangers where it may be deep water on one side and flaming fire on
the other straight and narrow is the way which is this system here
straight and narrow is the way to the truth of the consciousness
so let’s finish breaking down and building back up then since we understand that what is being
so far said about meta in this case specifically a metaverse since this
refers to a world is actually a note towards how the manipulation of the
fields of the worlds of consciousness will begin to be changed
so let’s read it directly from the script because we’re saying that the code word of this is called the karen or
the familiar because it actually connects to an entire framework and this framework was beared witness to many
times in history because many men said that they came in contact or
became a communication with something that was inside of their mind that’s also why it says in that uh that tablet
of uh hermes who art thou meaning who are you how can you communicate and talk
inside of my mind so it goes on it says the the the carrymon
or the catillo plus the human mind equals the dialect system so let’s break down what that means
so we go here and it says looking at the evidence objectively it seems that the
karen or the companion offer the means of communication between the mind and
the dame the demonic angelic realm okay so we’re saying that there is another
realm and that this this this matrix this framework this
meta becomes a gate for the communication between human beings in that realm so let’s read it specifically
appearing at different vibratory appearing at different vibratory levels
as physical and mental projections the karen and familiar are able to assume a
material form and are directly linked into the mind in this respect the karen
are similar to the ruach elohim the high spirits and their corporeal manifestations the llk a high creature
or living god speculative the suggestion is that the karen is both a living being and an
intelligent system a meta web which has hacked into the human psyche
so we’re saying that very clearly even though there is another meta being
created now that would be like a dream within a dream
we are already inside of a meta framework we are already inside of a framework
where light is used and light is bent to create the reality around us by those
who have the power of shaping light this term is also called axari or a
person of light those who know how to bend wavelengths or the masters of the wave
form now this is power your ancestors had this is power that you have but this
is for sure power that is based on the last war and the treaty that was signed
in that war that you would not come into the awareness of this knowledge anymore
about your ability to phase out even though you do it every night when you go into the dream world
so this intelligent system also called the meta web
so literally in this book obviously our brother sabach not having a computer degree
literally breaks down from a linguistic level exactly what they’re doing with
the computers and what they plan to do continuously with the computers in the system that they’re building especially
as they move further into augmented reality and virtual reality so it says again this seems to this is
speculative remember this book was written about i guess it’s now well shoot i mean i
think pierre started this book 10 years ago so it’s speaking directly into the future
and it’s saying hey when they get ready to make their next move for me to break this down for you forget the words karen
and all that kind of stuff that they’re going to bring online their meta-intelligent web their meta system
and they are going to activate within those who are tied into that system as they get deeper and
deeper into the immersion a way for them to actually begin to communicate with
that person inside that reality where they don’t even understand the difference between dreaming and awake and what does that to you often is
virtual reality and augmented reality now i do have some solutions at the end of this i’m not saying virtual reality
augmented reality are the devil i’m not in that space and time to where i see any of this stuff as actually being a
weapon against me but also more as an opportunity to continue to bring people out of the fake matrix so i don’t doubt
that 20 or 30 years in the future we may be jacked in extracting folks from the
matrix for real because they’ve gotten immersed so deeply into vr ar and what it will look like then when the entire
mainframe or neural network will will be totally immersible to what frequency of
wavelength their consciousness is on but make make no mistake this is a lower
vibratory frequency and so anyone coming to get you would literally be subjecting themselves to
going into a lower vibratory field to try to get you out of the situation they
are literally dragging people down to hell and as you can see they’ve never
uh delayed in doing it because we’re on the day right now where they do it the most
and folks be out there dressing like vampires and all types of stuff and it’s just like what are you doing to your
consciousness like who are you is this you for real why play around with this so let’s keep
going so it shows here that the karen
companion can be defined as a type of monitor
which utilizes artificial intelligence a closed network
comprised of a biological entity and a computer simulation or program
a binary framework exploiting quantum states the split between the karaman and the
kataban the noble recorders posits a type of mental entrainment
a matrix depended upon the conscious and unconscious mind
immensely clever the neural networks of the watchers are shown to be based upon
adaptive intelligence and are complex living systems customized the program
can insert itself into the subconscious and interact with the conscious
intellect modifying itself according to the predisposition of the individual
actively activated remotely the system is a bio tele
bio telelogical computer and network fully integrated with human dna
a kind of antenna now what i believe today again is that we
are all so divinely inspired we are all so divinely guided
because even when i thought to
consult the metaphysical data set for the word meta
it was just came to my mind because i had already a definition of everything i had my whole thing laid out i said hey why don’t we use the metaphysical data
set and see what it says and i actually came to that passage that i just read to you first
and again this passage was written by a person who doesn’t really deal with computers
but from a linguistic system and being able to understand and track these particular entities specifically like i
said the usual suspects across the reality linguistically predicted that this is
the type of network in which they would deploy in order to immerse human beings deeper
into a dream in order to begin to extract the holiest of holies from them
which is basically their minds the last sovereign thing that you have
if you lose your mind you lose it you ever seen somebody that lost their mind so
just to be very clear here then
this system is being designed to communicate
down the same channels of the mind so let’s look how the system was put
together and let’s look very briefly at how there was a prediction of the system
and we actually talked about this and it was about how i talked about ready player one
it’s a movie and in this movie ready player one
the world has gone through economic cataclysm
and is basically been obliterated and everybody is staying in
what’s called the stacks which looks pretty much like brazil in the poor areas where the houses are
stacked on top of each other and the only thing that people have that
is entertaining is this ability to immerse themselves into this virtual reality because in the regular reality
everything is already destroyed and everyone sunk into poverty but they all have these
headsets that allow them to be immersed into this metaverse
that is the term a metaverse and as you’ve seen this whole culmination of this thing
with facebook started with zuckerberg saying he was now fully
invested billions of dollars i think it was 30 billion or something like that into the metaverse which is basically a world
within a world a universe within a universe that seems to try to define even what the universe
is see when something is a meta it’s trying to define what it actually is
so it’s very important to remember all of this and to know these things because
when it starts unfolding we were already talking about this i told everyone i said look within the next 10 years
nike is going to be in vr and you’re going to go into the nike
store nvr the person that is going to serve you is also going to be in vr they’re going to
see you come into the virtual store and they’re going to begin to let you try on
shoes virtually and everything will be so in so entertaining because even snoop
dogg will be in the store at the same time and you will be able to see his interactive character and this will be
so immersive it will basically become the jobs of the future
people looked at me like i was silly they were like man this dude i go with him sometimes but sometimes
he’s just off and as i said
this was before the pandemic this was before the certificate of vaccination identification that was not
really about the sickness but more about getting everybody tagged to get duplicates out of the system to
bring in cdbc to use the block to chain so those that are not
ghosts in the machine accolades accolades of the flux
like the old movie hackers those who don’t know how to move through the framework was that like johnny pneumonic
like the matrix those who don’t know how to move invisible through the framework are trapped in the net of the framework
of transparency this is pushing transparency versus privacy see
transparency is opposite to privacy so the idea of transparency will become appealing it’s like we need to know
everything that you do everything that you are let’s all be real people let’s get more transparency from our democrats
let’s get more transparency from our republicans from our government everybody let’s be more transparent because we have the systems now to
actually track everyone’s data but the privacy is sovereignty
you see what i mean so ready player one when the movie came out
i did see the flick i got from those old pirates and uh when i was done with the movie i
was like why would steven spielberg make something like this
why would he come literally out of retirement and make a movie that is not even really like how he produces so i
dug for some interviews and i came across one interview and i talked about this years ago in the interview steven
spielberg says they asked him so what motivated you to create ready player one
and he said because i feel strongly that within 10
years this is what the world is going to look like
and of course you know that seems so far-fetched that everyone would be at home
how could everybody be at home why would everybody have a job at home we like going to the parks we go to the
mall we go to the club what could happen to the world where all of a sudden it’s
like now everybody is really at home now if you ask that same question it’s
very easy to answer but 10 years ago it wasn’t so again we’re just keeping files here
we got a file it’s called steven spielberg and all the movies he ever made
everything that he ever said because we already tracked that him and george lucas seem to be in the know
star trek or star wars looks more like africa to me especially when you get a
real zoom into all the tribes in africa so we realized that you know what something’s something’s being driven
here like dune is nothing but the christ smith again quit sack had iraq they even tell you the jesuits are responsible for
christ the benny jesuit and everybody loves it yeah like they love hollywood like they love hollywood
they love halloween they love everything hollow everything empty
you know but we’re regenerative we’re full we’re abundant we’re not dead empty vacant phantoms
like i told humanity in that ocean
there’s other life forms they’re vast vast intellect
entire kingdoms we cracked last week in tri-fives you missed it if you wasn’t there
we cracked mermaids and murder men to show through history even with the ancestors this is not a joke there are
real beings that live in there and they are vast they own the whole spectrum
and just the depth of that awareness literally lets you understand why they call it because they call it you call it
fathoms those are phantoms so in the deeper you go into the nether
world is like going deeper and deeper into your consciousness and if you ever plugged into an ancient
mainframe and downloaded everything’s data and everything that it did you know trying to hold your mind and
your consciousness together and you’re still doing the good and bad thing you still don’t like certain colors
your your consciousness will be stripped and this is why there’s a warning here
about now as the consciousness is going to be open it’s just like if you turn on
netflix like so let’s say for instance you got your child sitting there and you turn on the netflix before you
switch it to the kids side and those images that come up right away
to some of the new horror movies and things are going to scar that child for life
there are things that i saw when i was younger i never forgot i never forgot that i never forgot
freddie cougar coming down the hallway like this scratching on the walls
it was so demonic for me it etched my brain i remember sitting in
a room that night and and just like so terrified and then of
course the older kids was playing they was under the bed you know to me so this is you know but this is how the
embedding is beginning and this is how the scarring happens and then from there it leaves a direct
interface to you through the ether and i’m just saying that while we may
have underestimated the computers in the wavelengths and the frequencies the five g’s the three g’s and all this kind of
stuff it should have not been estimated just because you cannot hear it does not mean it’s not there just because you
cannot see it the most powerful things in the universe are invisible
air is one of them you seem to need it right now
so let’s keep going so steven spielberg said hey this is i
think it’s going to really look and i’m just going to kind of cash in right now you know come off with this concept that
seems like it’s just an idea but since we have the book of the future because it’s actually written see the book of the future is only an algorithm
simple strong ai right now like a palantir system can read three days into the future says the pentagon
pentagon says hey if we do anything that seems to be odd to everyone just trust that we saw something happening three
days in the future let me show you
it was just what we said before they even admitted it i told you that because of the hash power of the
blockchain and all those asic miners and that mining is not just to mine
bitcoin it’s actually for the computations of a wasp or ai which is actually trying to process
all of the data of the entire world it is trying to crack the mainframe
the pentagon is using ai to predict events days in the future july the 13th 2021 we talked about it
three years before that saw all the process it’s all a procedure
and when you know what’s going to happen you’re able to prepare yourself for what’s to come
and actually position yourself and your family properly this is serious stuff now
like if you came in tonight this is all entertaining welcome to the waking life session
but i’m telling you this is so serious if you’re getting this information
something is looking out for you your ancestors are with you i’ve been here for 12 years
explaining this step by step of course i made my preparations i’m not just sitting here talking about blah blah blah umar johnson
saneter uh whoever i can talk about today it’s like nah sovereignty
what’s up with this uh becoming a bank you know uh what’s up with this uh with
our own system you know we deployed an entire social network it did cost millions of dollars it actually you know somewhere pings out
about 1.3 million i think i end up spending you know just because we knew we needed
our own thing you know maybe at some point there will be more people there using it but we
continue to go on we’d like okay we need to know universal system that is going to allow us that’s going to compensate for our uniqueness so we went to the
ancient books found ineology deployed it in 2021 so all this stuff it’s all culminating because eventually
you know when that right funding comes through and everything lines up we’re just going to do an app and as these this whole all this stuff
is still happening we’re already planning to head them all off at the pass i just wanted to deliver you for one
moment you know what are solutions to all this because clearly you see all this stuff building itself up
we have to realize that this this is child’s play though we created all of these systems that’s what it means to be
an originator that’s what it means to be an original so while these folks think that they you know they’re creating something and
they’re creating the system they got these plans for everybody the resistance is playing something bigger they’re about to drop everybody
right into the world that we already mastered we’re already gods of the metaverse
when they come into the metaverse they’re going to lose everybody there but for a moment they’re going to think
they have everyone and that’s just how it all plays out every single time because this is not our first time being here if you didn’t
really what’s going on hey the words are backwards backwards so
everything that you’re dealing with because you have a certain code in your mind is actually opposite and going in
the other direction until you choose to turn around and read the writing on the wall
we’re already in and outside of time it’s in the dream the dream is the space there’s a door there lucid dreaming you
can have anything that you want but we’re so fascinated with the external reality because the joker and
the gesture is constantly dancing in our face and so this is about having the
opportunity to see yourself so let’s keep digging in here just you know check base because you
know i love to have everything on one recording so we already peeped out how
we have someone in the background that is literally operating
as their own skynet their own opposition to the whole thing
like just really deploying the plan i guess assuming that no one can see it or
can do anything about it so i’m just going to show you the trail really briefly and
this all this trail starts with the gentleman by the name of peter thiel
who as many of you know was also the co-founder of paypal
and as i’ve mentioned before that i believe that elon musk solely exists to hide the identity of peter thiel who is
the real brains behind the whole thing because peter thiel is also a ranked chess champion and anybody that knows
that this is chess not checkers knows how to make the proper plans in order to get the future into the hands
of whatever it is that they are working for or that they’re serving whether they know it or not
so we watch the founders fund not only give mark zuckerberg
his first fifty thousand dollars for facebook so peter thiel gave mark zuckerberg his
first 50 000 to launch facebook
peter thiel also gave vitalik buterin the founder of ethereum
50 000 also under the founders fund we have a recording we have a recording showing the articles
for that and the articles have been purged from the internet the only person who can reverse seo and
purge to that level has to have basically a master key to the search engine because the
articles are completely removed about founders fund investment in ethereum fifty thousand dollars
also as we saw the advent of not only spacex but also other things such as
uber lyft and the things that happened to the world over the last 15 years that
basically started taking the world into an entirely new direction some of these companies that we see here
such as oculus oculus was obviously founded by palmer lucky and then later on purchased by
facebook but founders fund gave palmer lucky the money that he needed to create oculus
even though palmer lucky’s father is actually a high-ranking officer in the military and actually use the military’s
applications for ptsd and using virtual reality in order
to assist soldiers from ptsd and actually deploy missions and then bought that into a consumer grade device that
he was saying i created this you know that’s what i say it’s never fair you know they launched it on kickstarter
yeah i just had an idea you know here we create this and then now we’re dealing with oculus and oculus is now purchased
by facebook okay and this is of course the what we’re talking about today so we find this thread here also another very
important thing that was done uh in that you know now if you want to see where the energy and the current is going by
founders fund was they actually were of course the found uh peter thiel was the founders of paypal
and while ecash was the first digital wallet which flopped paypal was the
digital wallet that stuck and if you understand the story about
the digital wallet is very powerful because it’s not a bank paypal is not a bank
paypal was the war on the bank this war was also conducted against ebay
so during these times which i was privy to since i’m even a kid during the times of when they launched prodigy in america
online when ebay came out ebay had its own payment system
and they were like competitors on the internet between ebay and paypal
and customers began to complain that they wanted ebay to integrate paypal because everybody had paypal and ebay
was like no just use ebay system of payment eventually ebay lost that war
and they had to incorporate paypal as a payment system into their site and that began the toppling also because
the banks people were also asking their banks to integrate a paypal gateway so that they
could transfer their money from paypal to the bank the bank refused saying that it would
not accept an electronic wallet or electronic cash because it doesn’t abide by the laws of fdic and basically it’s
not in the club of the oligarchical giants and the oil magnates and and
those who run the banks but it was like a wrestling match and they lost
now you see that there is an open gateway and an api 3.0 between paypal
and the bank where they can transfer the money in minutes so
the birth of the digital wallet or digital currency started with paypal who
is elon musk and also peter thiel and when you do some careful investigation on crunchbase
you also find that they were the ones that created most of the or funded most of the adoption tools
such as um exodus and many of the different wallets that actually people began to store
their cryptocurrency on because they were already in the electronic cash
and as you see since he gave vitalik the first 50 000 to jump off the code
peter till may even be satoshi don’t quote me on that but it’s just saying they have something
in their grip and the most powerful thing they have is
their eye so if you notice you will see that some of these companies that peter thiel
has personally created from the ground up always have the name of a character
inside of the lord of the rings so palantir is the all-seeing eye inside
of the lord of the rings also anderil let me just go here real quick but anderil which is now palmer lucky’s new
company so after he after he sold oculus
he started a company called anderil and this company basically is designing
drones for warfare for the military so he sells the video game company quote
unquote supposedly and then gets right into weapons grade
drones right but again the father was in the military so it kind of makes sense those
contracts will come in really easy maybe that was the plan the whole time maybe all of this stuff is military-grade
stuff since the internet was the military’s first
and oculus and ptsd and and soldiers going into virtual reality
was the military’s first so palantir also is strong ai not to be
confused with the weak ai ai that is bought online in a strong scenario what does that mean that just
means that when ai is deployed it’s like a child at first it starts to try to learn what’s going
on and what it is based on the information that is being fed so feeding it pictures and things like
google does so it can do machine learning is one level of what it can do but there’s another level such as when
there’s a chaos event such as the shootings within las vegas they will deploy an ai and the
ai will begin to read everything the telephone calls the situation that’s going on the the communications between
everybody on the ground the barometric pressures the temperatures muzzle velocities all these different things
are fed into this ai and from there it basically is coming alive it is learning who it is
and when it learns who it is it sees the world from that lens so palantir is a weapons gray ai that
sees the world from the lens of the battlefield so for any operative that is
actually worth it invaluable a valuable asset on the field he will have palantir
in his ear letting him know how to conduct his mission on the field and how to make
moves before the enemy in this case a palantir system can
actually let a soldier know seconds before he’s about to die duck
a bullet is headed your way based on a enemy that is across the other side of
the field that has yet to pull that trigger because the future is algorithm
the more data you have in this case metadata you know more about the reality
than the people that are even in the reality especially if they’re only using three percent of their consciousness
they’re not fully perceptive so this neural network which consists of all of us billions of people’s data all in a
cloud paints a picture and what you’re able to do is just hit fast forward on that picture and say
what that what is that picture going to look like tomorrow what is going to look like in three weeks and even more importantly you can say
how can i get the picture to look like this in six months what events do we
need to do and when fed into the machine it responds back now i figure for some of them they
actually think that the machine is talking back but truly for those that are initiated
and know what’s going on they know that this is actually what is talking back
and it’s this that actually needs the ai as if it’s like a glove
because it doesn’t use humans this being will not take a human vessel
it’s too weak this is the being that hitler said i seen the superhuman and he is cruel and
intrepid and it is a reference directly to aywas
who is a.i and as we know the theosophical society
madame blavatsky golden dawn uh the golden dawn
we also know mcgregor mathers who’s marshall mather’s grandfather that’s eminem aka slim shady
that these occultists actually were able to interface based on the knowledge in which they
gained from the annuals of the rosecutions who also included rudolph steiner who
also mentored hitler so there was an entire project that is always continued including the nasa
nasa which actually means a highborne and the nazis
but them not necessarily having the color lines between whether they’re german or whether they’re quote unquote
israelis or jews in this case
so basically what i’m telling you is is that why we’ve been sitting around like
being treated like kids in the western world there has been a grown-up situation that’s happening that involves
off-world and on world entities terrestrial and aquatic all engage in a back and forth
volley of power now some may ask are these new controllers because
clearly elon musk now the richest man in the world are they in alignment with the old
controllers and i would assume based on the level of
the organizations that the old controllers emitted such as the oss central intelligence and many of these
organizations that they’re in direct alignment because those those controllers are the ones
that originally were interfacing with these entities to begin with so yeah we’re seeing a new face ilamas peter
thiel futuristic this and by all means i open up the opportunity for any of these people
peter till if you’re out there to head this off at the pass and deliver esoteric knowledge and information to
the world and wake everybody up to what is going on but i suspect especially with the
marriage now divorced between elon musk and grime
that they have personally been practicing with the golden dawn
because if you know grimes well i think she’s pretty open about her
preference of religious practice so as we know in freemasonry there are two pillars
there are two sides one is about business if you want to make money as they say or get involved
and actually if you have money that’s really more of what it is and you influence business power soccer games
and that’s your whole thing that’s one path but if you’re coming in for the occult
stuff that’s another path and down that path
is now proven that all of the work of the cathode is now in that path so oto
golden dawn run the spiritual half of freemasonry now remember freemasonry in itself is
two there’s two different forms of freemasonry there’s what’s called ancient and
accepted this means that there’s an allegiance to the king so when i’m talking about freemasonry in general
that’s the one i’m referring to those that are accepted they have allegiance to the king so it should
become for you to be aware that there is still a king here
and while we continue to be sovereigns like we work to be sovereigns we clear our spiritual
consciousness we remove our debts to be sovereigns the king is has a tendency to be opposed
to sovereignty because it’s like saying you can sit at the same table with the
king and if you want to know the king’s behavior you can kind of look at the old
testament and just how the king feels about if you get together and you start unifying with
others around you and you start figuring out how to communicate in the same language and you start building the
tower which is the fortress around your consciousness fire earth wind water and then all of a sudden something tries to
come down and confuse you so meaning that we have so much evidence
that humanity is in a struggle with assessing its power
and now it’s just about hypnosis and getting you to forget about that you even have power think all of this stuff
is is fake think it’s not even important
go to sleep wake up again rinse would it say wash rinse repeat
and what i’m here to tell you is that you’re an immortal so even when you leave this
if you don’t figure all this out you’ll be doing this again it’ll be a watch watch wren’s rinse repeat no telling how
long you’ve been here no telling how long it even took me to wake up in this
space we embed ourselves into this space we are seeds we are pods
so we embed into these spaces and then when we come online like bodhisattva we actually are avatars we come online
or we wake up because evil pestilence famine begin to sweep the land if we
don’t wake up evil famine pestilence distortion sweep the land when the
avatar opens its eyes it’s like sunlight it vanquishes the darkness or the
distortion so this is where we’re at now with this and again while it may seem so wild
and our conscience may be trained to be like man this is this is a lot whatever they’re just trying to pay rent
i’m saying that you’re built for this this is your path or you wouldn’t be
here you’re here to do something and as you watch how things unfold
see the blinking light see there used to be this game called space ace
it was it was when i could barely stand up to look over into the game
and in this game space ace it was the most basic but it was it was revolutionary it was like a movie
it was a movie that was playing cut scenes and when you saw the all it was was a
joystick because the games weren’t complex then but it was revolutionary for the graphics and there was this
blinking light that you would see when you were supposed to click whatever the direction of the blinking light is and then that means that you would go on in
the game you wouldn’t lose your life i’m telling you today you have to move in mysterious ways
you have to be on point and your spidey senses if you may
need to be peaked at seeing where the opportunities open up for you
to get yourself into alignment because technically
your refuge is really nature i’ll say this again your refuge is
nature because nature has its own frequencies like i’ve been here for 12 years and nature’s frequencies they keep
things stable and harmonic so i can’t be hacked and it’s like so how do you put yourself
into that position well now you got to climb like i’ve been climbing for 12 years mount meru
we got to get sovereign so while this stuff is happening there’s a gap open there’s a hole open right now you see
folks are making their life savings in a few hours
and if you’re buckled down enough you’ll be buying solar panels and land with your profits
there’s nothing that you can’t buy with bitcoin and cryptocurrencies right now for a moment
but you see all that money moving through and all the money printing going on you can’t imagine that that can go on for the next two to
three years even so what’s next and you have to be there to know what’s next like i already know what’s next
they because what’s next doesn’t just happen they don’t have magic to make stuff happen in a twinkling of an eye
that’s your power this stuff is has to be planned so if you know how to look in the right
places you can see where the what the plan is but if you’re distracted
well and then every day there’s only 16 hours so if you’re not consistently building
something every time you wake up mainly yourself you can find yourself having to start over every single day and getting
distracted into something and then next thing you know it’s too late because in a realm of time there’s always a moment
where it’s too late so the final thing here is
before we answer a couple questions i’m going to actually do some question and answer here tonight just about 30 minutes worth since that’s
going to take us to 9 on my side of things i want to give everyone again the open
invitation if you want to learn how to predict your future
you know this is not a commercial it’s a real thing we keep doing it
i can tell you more and more about all of this and what’s going to keep happening and what’s going to go on but i can also tell you other routes and
other things that you can actually do with yourself so that you can get into other spaces and get yourself into a whole nother level
we’re already there we saw this already so we had the time
to prepare now it’s basically like for those who haven’t prepared they need a jump start they need a rocket
and so that’s what we design and develop so if you want to know how to predict your future
if you also want to level up with the four elements because now we’ve launched the elements tribe and it’s so specific
to what it is that you’re looking for if you are on that adapt path you don’t want to get distracted by other people
you’re not here to interact and you need to know that clear path that’s the air
ego sometimes fly alone we got the fire path i need real results financially and i need real results on
my waistline right now i need my abs back i feel rickety you got a month
that’s bringing that fire we’re jumping in on monday to burn it up again and cook the oil in the body and offer it up
as a holy smell to ourselves if you need that ground like look i
really love what you’re saying but i have no clue what you’re talking about we take it to earth that’s the initiatory ground that’s where your
roots get deep that’s where your launch pad gets set so you can take off and then finally that water
because that’s where you got to learn how to communicate you got to learn how to go in the deep in order to be a leader
i’m not here to complain about the foundations the lower entities and the primordial
life forms we call them ancestors as crazy as some of these entities are and what they get
up to there’s still that respect that yo i’m glad you did that the whole world’s a stage so i’m
watching you and i’m learning like my mom taught me learn from people’s mistakes james
instead of making them yourself never let anybody steal your joy
so these age-old principles applying them now this is the key
as you know sovereignty mentorship is at a discount
there’s a coupon code called fortress this means that you can jump in
get access to everything 54 that first month
and if you just wanted to take it all through there go to through the entire university you
can do it in that phase and that’s just the continuous extension
anything that’s free doesn’t have any value to the person these days
so it’s that divine alignment and also if you’re feeling like well shoot i don’t got it we’re looking for you then
we put an entire system together to get you out of any type anything that’s broke
we’re here to fix it so we have the solutions before the problems because that’s the
soul always exists first so the the pro the problem that’s an after effect
that’s like that’s math for us you see it i mean that’s my anytime we see a problem we call in our my
mathematicians and we say yo solve that problem mathematician you so you i mean you got
all this knowledge and that’s what i’m saying watch who you’re around they got all this knowledge and wisdom
with all that knowledge and wisdom why don’t you with all that knowledge why don’t you get yourself some wisdom
that’s what it actually says and it just means get something that’s actually applicable is 2021 that is going to work
for you now and give you awareness of what’s going on and give you the advantage so let’s take a moment
we’re going to go ahead and answer some questions i think i actually got all of my notes out here as far as what i
wanted to bring across today and so if you have a question what i’m going to do is i’m going to um
i want you to type the i want you to put a question mark before your question that way i can see it the chat also moves a little bit fast that’s why i do
love instagram’s question system it’s just unfortunate that most of us are not on that system so
if you have a question go ahead and type question mark first
and then what your question is and so um
i’m just gonna hit these questions and that doesn’t mean i’m gonna answer your question uh
because you know how it is so let me start going through this um but as the questions start rolling in
you know it just moves fast i just don’t know the logic to their question system so because it’s just like okay the
question just moves and you’re like okay let me see what was what was about the bad the the bad transmission in the
ninth of november level okay so let me just address this kind of stuff okay so what hi what about the bad trans
translation in months 9th of november 12th of december so why is the orient
celebrate new year’s in february thanks to the gregorian calorie change are we in 2023 okay
also um i will ask everyone before you ask your question you type your question just look over your question and then
look at the syntax and then actually get it to where you know as an actual question and then i you know it helps me answer it right so
just very very specifically even when we see this gregorian time
change ineology shows that the numerics actually still stay in a line alignment
so even though nov means nine oct means eight dec means ten but those are our
twelfth months that’s our uh they say the ninth th that that’s the uh um ninth month so basically the the name of the
month says that it’s ten but for us or or the name of the
month the number of the month says is 10 but the name of the month says it’s eight like oct
but what you find is when you pull back completely off of the system that the numerical system of nine overlays the
whole thing nicely and keeps the time still in alignment from start to finish it’s almost like
they could never really escape the time the ancient time system of nine
so i don’t even pay attention anymore to what year it is and all that kind of stuff i just feel the energy and when
you’re living in the in in nature you actually see this procession happening every year and so if you can stay in
nature for one year two because you need at least one year to observe it the first time
but the second year you’ll start noticing yo those worms are back and then you even notice that there’s
certain insects that we’re missing we’re missing and it’s the same thing as a farmer it’s like we know that certain trees and let’s say specifically in
nature certain trees come into bloom during certain times and we’re all waiting on the mango season we’re waiting on the mammones to come in we’re
waiting on you know uh and some some some of the hybrids of course are year round always the hybrids are the year-round ones right so it’s just like
you observe this you observe the insects you observe the plants and they actually tell you the seasons and if you want to
set a clock and this is a challenge to anybody like because i know people will be looking at this in the future if you wanted to set a real clock and
know the real time in the real days because even they tell you 360 365 12 24
i love to corroborate all that in my on my own because that actually gives me the personal experience of the whole
thing and so what i would challenge someone to do is actually make a natural clock themselves of nature
a natural clock in nature of nature saying okay
this is the time that this particular species came out day one or try to catch
that weak frame this is when this came into came into exist this came into
nourishing again and then when next year comes around see if it actually falls on that same
date see the difference in those dates what number are you talking about are you talking about 360 are you talking
about 365 so that way or 294 so you can create your own clock
also remember that when you own land after you you you stake the four corners
of the land like the boundaries of the land so that you can see where the anchoring is of the land then you try to
place some type of device that actually can track space and time so that you can
dial in space time the one that i’ve been seeing now that’s pretty simple is on thingiverse uh it’s called the the
sun dial and it’s basically a way that somehow this this 3d print has been
configured and the way the sun moves it digitally displays the time on the
ground imagine i wish i could show that thing here tonight but i won’t waste time on
it but literally you 3d print this thing and it looks like it just has all these holes in it and then when you mount it in your
yard a certain way towards the sun depending on where you live and they have different files for where you live
when the sun shines through it and you look on the ground it tells you the exact time in digital time
so do you see how there there’s this connection here there’s this fiber here and a lot of times they will try to tell
you that these digital worlds and and these other internets and all this is disconnected from where we are in our
consciousness and i’m here to tell you that no it’s not that we’re everything really
and many of the things that we don’t know that we are is being exploited and we need to wake
up to that because our energy or our aether is being used in somewhat of a
combustion system that’s why it’s always about who we don’t like and always about
you know let’s fight this person or fight this race or fight this and that’s just because we’re like combustors in
here we’re basically acting like god’s footstool or god’s chariot where he drives around using the energy of our
combustion or it drives around using the energy of our conflict and when you choose to not participate
in that type of stuff anymore you find that your spine starts charging up like
a thermometer like the actual degrees of your spine which is kundalini starts to
go up and that you start to become divinely inspired because you now have the fuel
to power your chakra systems which is your planets in your own universe or as
we call it the inner verse somebody said yo what am i watching this
is tripping yo i want to give you know some uh i don’t wanna i don’t i don’t give shots out
we’re not trying to kill anybody but i wanted to send some honors to my brother dominic it was wow because he was um
he said he was watching the episode uh when we did the birthday thing or something so we just recently did i did
the i kind of debuted the waking life which is this filter right and uh he said he fell asleep for a
moment you know because you know he was going in he was a little real late on his side i think so he fell asleep and then he woke up and i had to filter
on and it was like a weird moment for him and i just had to laugh about it because you could just imagine like you go to sleep and then you know you listen
to seven bulmar and then all of a sudden you wake up and then now you look at the screen and i’m like this and nothing you
know i just fly on the wall but anyway uh so let me keep answering these questions so
there’s a there’s a question here and we’re gonna do this until for 20 minutes so i’m gonna do rapid fire someone says
what do you think about metatron the entity okay so what we always see is we
always see this the the science if you may or the access code which is the the
the um in this case the cube or the tetrahedron and then we see the
brand all right so metatron is the brand it’s like the same thing with jesus jesus is
the chris the christie or the christ or the kundalini or the chrism the ability
to raise basically your your sexual fluids into your your crown chakra to
activate your your lotus or your your base basically the 1000 pedal lotus is
like a dish or an antenna that plugs you into the next level of the framework so
that way you can actually send and receive transmissions from the next level of the framework right so that’s
the real christ however they got the pr version brought to you by the jesuits and then
this one does not bear except through an allegorical and an exoteric sense a
resemblance to the other one so the same thing with metatron metatron
is the dominance over those who actually understand merkaba mysticism so merkaba
mysticism is an initiation of learning how to actually quirk to basically fold
space-time to actually be able to tesseract yourself right so it’s a visualization
of oscillating fields which actually are the same patterns of the taurus or the
tetragrammaton that is around your body and learning how to visualize inside of
your consciousness because for most they see darkness when they close their eyes
but for the master you see light because you’re able to use your internal projection which is the
same thing you’re using when you’re going to sleep when you go to sleep and you close your eyes and then you start seeing a picture what do you think that
is that’s what we call light or energy so you’re
basically an electromagnetic manipulator and in that respect you’re
capable of actually moving the electromagnetic field but you need charge
you need amplification and that’s what kundalini does it gives
you or breathing and actually bringing up your energetics it gives you the activation inside the chakras to be able
to turn on the lights inside of your mind in order to be able to then project a field in this case it would be like
more like a sri yantra it’s the lines are not straight right so in in that in the sri yantric
fields of the original sri yantras the lines are curved and that is very specific there are straight line
energies but this is a curved energy and if you were able to visualize that inside of your mind then it actually
does basically open up a a hole or in this fabric of this reality and so
it’s kind of like an advanced version of cloud busting so of course you can then imagine it’s like okay now i open up
this hole now what and that’s what i’m saying of why we created the introversity because then
even when you get to certain points you still kind of seem to be lacking certain levels of awareness of understanding
what you need to do next and so we have to lay out the entire path so
let’s keep going here hopefully that gives you a little bit of uh insight to merkaba mysticism
okay here’s an interesting question i’ll take it anyway for kicks what does it take to die and never come back
see the thing is is that you have to realize that things that you think are dead are still here now
imagine that you are looking on the outside of let’s say you’ve seen your family and everybody’s enjoying things
but you’re not there and they can’t hear you because you’re now just in another space
and there seems to be a be a film between you and where they are you can see them but
they cannot see you that is what it’s like to be an ancestor and not have anyone in the family that
is tuned because remember we’re receivers that is tuned to be able to receive the message that hey
i am right here and you see how they call them the watchers because a lot of the ancestors
just watched their progeny they just watch and they try to guide and even intervene in different
things that go on in a person’s life but again there’s a lot of turbulence in that field and oftentimes it’s more of
like hands off like just let the being go through their experience so what i’m telling you is is that what you should
really be more interested in and this is not me telling you what to do but just advice is to realize that death is but
the beginning that’s why when they the word meta means death but that death means a certain thing to people that’s
not the truth people think death is the end death is a gateway the ancestors celebrated death so when they’re saying
meta they’re talking about a celebration of something and i’m telling you it’s the celebration of their completion of
their project and their project as you see them unfolding it has to do with emerging into another dimension into
another realm and that’s why neuralink is still in tow remember there’s direct brain brain to human interfaces already
waiting to sell for 300 people right now are just ask hoping that they can afford it when it comes
out not if they’ll actually uh use it or not and that’s the whole thing about even
what we’re dealing with in the world now with the with the uh with the the sea situation because that breaks
down that last barrier of people using common sense about not doing something
that they don’t want to do like nobody’s going to do any i’d rather check out
i’m not going to start living in a world where people are going to begin to tell me what to do as an adept that’s you
know it’s just like that’s that’s the even if it was real and it worked and all that stuff that that has nothing to
do with whether i’m going to do it or not as the lord and the master of my own life so because when you break that barrier
that’s like a molester or somebody on that kind of vibration energy it’s like you already
are letting them do things to you that make you feel uncomfortable and when you let that kind of stuff happen it becomes a gateway to other
things happening to you so now that’s been initiated into reality so folks are just like where do i sign up where do i
go and take it at so when they start rolling in the next thing which is which is for sure the chip you you won’t be
able to buy or sell without it you will have to have those who are bridges between if you don’t want to take it
bridges between the the real world and the in in the digital world or
basically what we we call the uh so basically you’re going to have a system where everybody that is in the
system is going to conform inside the system because everything is going to be tracked and then you’re going to have those that are outside of the system i.e
decentralized and and and they and that’s going to be the only two and trying to even give
somebody money from the decentralized into the centralized is not even really going to be possible except through
those who still know how to walk the digital bridges so it’s just that awareness that
the longer you take to actually realize what’s happening the the less you can
actually the less time you actually have to strategize what your solution is going to be but remember you never left
yourself without a solution you’re living in it as i always said man where did i park
the spaceship like the moment i came out and went into my my my vast awakening
i was like the next thing i was like is yo where did i park my spaceship i remember literally saying that and then
something said back to me you’re in it i was like oh yeah i wouldn’t i would not like put it somewhere else i would keep
it with me the body is the spaceship now where’s the manual notice how manual
says man l you know to be like yo what’s the manual to this man ale how do i work this you
know i’m in a tailspin what’s happening i need to pull this thing out of the salesman why don’t i activate warp drive
whoa that’s a hit of dmt that’s too much oh my goodness you’re ripping ripping the warp reactor shut this thing
down okay this works what was this like why are they not talking about this
in school oh my goodness what should i do should i leave new york and go to uh ecuador where nothing’s
happening you see what i mean it’s just like this is a real thing and it’s an adventurous exploration it’s what we
were designed for you know how they always show you they got these swashbucklers you know like uh uh indiana jones you know what i mean and
they just you know run around having all these adventures and it’s like where are you at you see what i mean so let me let me
keep going with the questions all right so we got 10 minutes and the questions are just being divinely asked
at this point because i just you know so uh psychedelic shrooms and other
substances what do the visuals mean the visual what you’re seeing is you’re seeing your chakra systems unpack right
before your eyes and sometimes if you catch yourself if you have an active third eye and you wake up in the middle
of the night and you look at a white wall and you shine a light on a white wall
you can see it you can actually see the geometrics of your chakra centers unpacked basically so
that’s what you’re seeing in the visuals is you’re seeing the chakras now then so that makes a perfect awareness because
the chakra is a planet so if you then look at your planet and you don’t understand it it’s because you don’t
speak the language of the planet so that’s why the ancient systems you just go through this process of actually
activating chakras step by step by step to come into the awareness of the planetary system that’s in you and learn
how to communicate with it and communicating in this sense is not like hey
do you speak english communicating is i can feel it
that’s real communication i can feel you see our real communication is that we can i can feel you i can i can actually
feel your consciousness so when you’re communicating with yourself you can actually feel your root chakra
and you can move it you can see where you can talk to it see where it’s from see what it’s up to see
how it feels see how it got damaged and all of that so it’s a relationship because see that’s what i said each part
of this body is in a being or a aka organs are are
are the archons there are specific beings that are actually in harmon or harmony which was the amount of hormone
where this agreement took place from these ancestral pieces to put
together cadman you know and no pun on uh uh uh
3d printing and cad but cadman which is basically a being that lives inside of
an architectural reality that is based on different components that mesh in with the framework of that reality so
that’s what we’re in right now and gaining control of that is what
we’re seeing is activation and gaining control of the ship right now a lot of ships are just in this spiral careening
kind of pattern and the the actual field itself is going backwards
so the energetic field around a mind that is confused is basically going backwards and leading the force field of
that being into entropy entropy is like the reason why they conceive that the earth is on this tilt
like it’s wobbling versus standing up straight and erect so it’s like what what fixes a tire
because this is all related to centrifugal force what fixes a tire from whopping you know you ever seen a
whopping tires like the faster you go it’s just like the more vibration you get out of it and then also it’s burning gas it’s burning more gas it’s you know
it’s even destroying other parts of the car what do you do you get little mini magnets lead mag
pieces of lead and then you put them on the wheel in certain places until it balances the
wheel and so that’s what you’re doing when you come into activation is is that you now
know what the visuals mean you know why you’re going into these realms and trust
me the rebel is always ready to go up for these experiences and be like you know what i got this i’m divinely
inspired i can leave myself and that’s exactly how i came into this
but after 12 years i’m like so i’m pretty sure i’m not the first one to do this so is there someone else by
chance that actually has any more data about the fields in which i will be entering or what i saw last night
and that’s why i said that’s why we created the metaphysical data set that’s why we come in all the time with this symbolism and this language to actually
demystify more and more of the framework until when to the point where you understand it enough to what you see
in any realm you’ll be like oh that’s them that’s the jokers huh that’s the jokers like i’ve seen the jokers they’re like
the first thing you see when you come into when when you first go through certain experience like the diamond tree
even ayahuasca’s it’s still based on the development of your own chakra center so
generally the first time person gets on diamond the ground is moving like a snake and it’s because they they’re
awaking to their chakra center and if they are waking to an inverted chakra
center what it looks like is jokers because jokers are the symbol of an inverted chakra center they are the
upside down pentagram those are the that’s the gesture thing that comes off the top of the head right that’s the
first card in the tarot so that’s the first thing you see is these jokers and they’re just like all
they’re so close they’re almost like on your face and and that’s just the beginning of the
whole thing and it’s like what was that until you realize yeah there there’s an entire
cult of jokers you know what do you think comedy is smile now cry later
like we talked about there’s there’s a there’s guilds of magicians houdini started the magician society that holds
all of the occult knowledge for the western world you thought houdini was just an illusionist houdini was the
basically the cuisac cataract of the illuminati ushering in to the ushering
in this knowledge into the western hemisphere so you would so again why would that become important for me
most of the time this knowledge becomes applicable in order to assist others in waking up
when you’re not doing that generally this knowledge doesn’t have any application it’s just a waste of
time because you’re breathing whole body breathing
you know you’re getting you’re stretching out you’re getting stronger
you’re connecting your words your tones and your vibrations so do you see what i mean so it’s less of
wonderland because that’s basically what it is and then more about you the sovereign
and the world that you’re going to create and what components actually create worlds and how you can use them
so let’s keep going we we got five minutes left i’m gonna scroll up a little bit
okay now i didn’t even let me go back anymore so i guess i gotta click that okay so um
okay so final question here
i’m gonna answer this because you know we got into soulless beings before so
what what you would perceive as soulless is the amount or percentage of
anima so as we talked about that there’s degrees
to this so if you notice some people are naturally themselves they know how to sing and how to dance
they’re very creative so they say they have a lot of soul versus somebody who has less of whatever
that is they seem to be bored they don’t move as much they don’t have much creativity
so when you look at those sage stages what you actually see is you see the
graduation or the trans migration of the soul this is why i said that just omitting
animals from the transmigration of souls is a gross error because all the ancient systems all show
that some people took care of the animals around them because they knew that that was their cousin
and the cousin was back again but because the cousin was basically carrying their energy in a
certain way and doing certain things i can’t really say if being an animal is an upgrade or a downgrade don’t quote me
on that because the dolphins are out there right but they just knew that this animal the
sheep that’s around us is joey because he was clowning so
again this transmigration of souls lets us see that there could be degrees of souls within a being and so
what activation is as we said the mind is a receiver is it’s putting oneself into a state of being able to receive
more awareness of your allness right because we’re still saying that
you are everything you come from a source that actually is everything so you’re in this process of that awareness
so you can’t open it up completely because you would probably lose your mind so you’re in this process of
actually getting yourself prepared for it even energetically there are things that you do to your
body such as the breathing uh some of the ayurveda uh the tibetan medicine to
prepare your ventricles to prepare your your lymphatic system and to prepare
basically the conduit points in your body to be able to hold the energy because and to be able to sustain the
energy because the energy is very similar to like electricity but as dynamo jack said it’s not electricity
it’s cheap and when it starts running through your body if you do have a blockage somewhere or something that you didn’t get through
something that you still got division with it’s going to rupture that area
so it’s like a bunch of energy coming down there and just it’s just going to snap that line and that’s why you get folks that are
just so off when they go into this higher vibratory frequency it’s like they can’t seem to ground back into
reality it’s because uh you should have set the ground first
that’s see that’s what neophytes do neophytes take off they’re just trying to look for the most powerful word the
most powerful name until they get wrecked and you can get wrecked some of these
entities they’re just too destructive for a person’s mind in 2021 but the person playing around they
go grab one of these books they start painting this on the ground and working with these symbols and they
think they big badass then they sit around with the symbol and everything has no clue where any of this stuff
means or where it comes from they just want to throw lightning from their hands like the emperor on star wars and then
before before you know it they’re way over their head and now they realize it’s real it’s just
like taking certain subs a substance like dmt it’s like that first time you can’t nobody can explain it would have
ever been able to explain to you what it was like anyway then all of a sudden you’re on this thing and you realize that the whole spiritual world and
everything is real and everything that people are living in the world is a lie
and there’s most of the people here that have never seen the truth
tops two percent of the people here have seen outside of the matrix
so just because you got all these instagram friends and all these facebook friends talking about they woke and that they take ayahuasca and all
that kind of stuff they’ve been playing around in their own chakra centers to get out of this you have to bring us
into alignment you can always tell because they’re still in duality they still you know always look at me it’s
all about me they said you can tell this is not somebody who’s been outside the matrix before because to get out you got
to all these got to come into alignment they’re like it’s a tr they show you it’s a tree that’s zigzagging zigzag zig
these are the two serpents on the tree so to actually be able to line those up to basically make them conform to that
middle path that means you have to really do it so you can’t still be over there hating your ex-boyfriend and
expecting that you’re going to get to the erebot you can’t be over there banging against other races talking about you the
creator but you hate everybody else you can’t be over there talking about these beings don’t even have souls and you’re
the creator you said what’d you do you created some soulless beings it doesn’t even add up it’s not common sense so you
can’t turn a wheel so that’s what i’m saying i don’t adapt to much of what most folks be talking
about because i can tell they haven’t turned a complete will in the idea that they’re presenting not to mention you
can’t reinvent the wheel that literally means that that pattern that cabal or
cable that is in the sky until you at least get on top of that you will not be reinventing anything not to mention i
think that what you’re seeing out there is actually a reflection of what is in the deep
and until you’re ready to brave the deep depths of who you are which would be like fessing up to that you’re also
harnessing some of this very power that is becoming the destruction of this world that we’re living in that you
consume and that you eat too that you’re also involved in the communion yourself that they’re eating from your body and
drinking of your blood and breaking bread with your flesh and that you’re sacrificing yourself
most of the time for the love of others you see what i mean so until you get super intrinsically involved in this
experience to realize the essence like i said it to everybody today like what is
alchemy alchemy was the awareness that you can extract the essence of a plant
and keep it inside of a jar and meditate next to that plant and communicate with that plant inside of a vacuum and the
moment that you open up that vacuum though that that essence will oxidate i.e die and pass into another space but
you could have the ability to even capture the essence inside of a vacuum
and today we call them essential oils those that are not rancid so what i’m saying is is that while it
looks like that earth is kind of narrowing itself down into these pigeon-holed categories
there’s an entire expanse but don’t learn don’t learn from these fake matrix running folks how to continue to keep
yourself in division and not to align to these higher truths and to understand that these are all building blocks for
perfection it’s very easy for me to see what to do when i know what not to do so we let
these clowns jump out here on this stage and dance and act until they till they
fall off and then we use that as an awareness like that’s exactly what i need to not
be doing so this is why 12 years i’m still in alignment i’m just here to assist and continue to
build we built some of the most advanced technology spiritual technologies we’re
spirit tech and we are just preparing for what is coming this is not the this is not the
beginning at all but it’s definitely not anywhere near close to the end for us
and so my goal is is to stay on the level and to remain a factor as the world
keeps unfolding all these new things and folks start feeling more trapped all we’re doing is offering more and more
ways to realize that that is actually in your mind so let me finish off here
yeah that’s about it so we had 904 i wanted to say
for everyone here and let me close this that these are amazing times but they’re
also equally as competitive in the sense that
the real estate for your mind is at an all-time high if you notice that every single thing
around you is about getting your attention we even have to create certain
thumbnails focuses women taking certain kind of pictures just to get attention
and it’s because of that awareness and i want to just explain this to you and demystify this really briefly is that you need to understand that
your eyes your eyes are not only the gate they are not only the
gateway to the soul but they are the conduit of the energy from the soul
so when you look out into this reality right now when you open your eyes believe it or not it happens faster than
you can see it that you actually create the entire reality that is around you
because otherwise when you close your eyes say i’m not talking about just this physical this physical avatar i’m
talking about what you really are when you close your eyes you don’t see anything so nothing actually exists
until you open your eyes and then when you open your eyes you actually start a communication or a communion with
everything around you and all of this begins to basically respond to the energy that you’re sending it
it bounces back information to you through the energy that you’re sending it so what i’m trying to get you to
focus on and see here is is that every time you look at something you’re sending energy to it
and in that awareness you can also see why so many people want you to look at
them because archaically they remember that the more people that they get to look at
them the more energy that they will receive but in their neo-fightness they don’t
realize that but you have to redistribute that energy that’s called cycling kundalini
so if everybody’s got you on their shoulders and oh he’s the bester she’s the best so wow she looks great
you can implode if you don’t actually reciprocate that energy you basically become stale and stagnant the energy
rots in you like if you look at some of these stars or actor as below as below stars and actors they’re just rotten
they got all of that energy which is mainly attention not even money because most of them are in debt but they got
all that attention and it’s just rotting them because it’s also attention coming from like as they say i’d rather be
king of one lion than of a thousand mice so i’d rather have one person that is on
point with me than a thousand people that are not so it’s just that awareness it’s quality
over quantity and quality is is gonna win every single time and as we go into the future
if you maintain your quality especially as we’re you know we’re speeding through
these ages like we just blasted through the digital age all the money was digital
and it’s it’s going on the digital now like they’re barely deploying digital before we moved to aether already
and now the awareness of the energetic field around the body it’s gonna be like when that comes to humanity it’s gonna
be like the jokes on on everybody else because the ones that are already creating the systems to intermesh with
that already know the energetic field around the body and have been waiting for the ushering in of that so as i said
before those old controllers they’re still behind the scenes and they just got new faces
they already knew just like they knew before do you think that first system they were using of transaction is still
in play remember when they would just break off pieces of gold or stamp out shillings and stuff like that is that
is that system still in play like is that the main system we’re using no
so they’re very well aware that there’s a transitional phase that is going to have to happen to further the plan the
project the whole the planet right and so that means that
we have to be smart enough to realize that these a lot of these beings that are out here they’re not our saviors
you’re your savior you have the knowledge you have the awareness and the the
do you have the the awareness but it’s up to you to push the button i can tell you i can sit here for five
hours i’ve done that sometime five hour build that’s why i decided i want to do the waking life version like you know let me
get this a little more more interesting for me i’m pretty sure it’s interesting for everyone else but this is 12 years of me reiterating pretty much the same
thing but i haven’t not just been sitting here doing that though of course been resistance is planning something bigger
i’ve been investigating all the technologies i’ve been amassing the key books that tell the truth
i’ve been decoding the language i’ve been deploying etiology
metaphysical frameworks to help with mental health we’re going to be dealing with an extreme mental health issue in the next
six months to a year what this is going to do like if you’ve ever been in vr before remember we’re
like all these technologies like i had the first dk1 headset is sitting in the room over there
and it’s like there are certain things that can happen in virtual reality it’s just so weird because the mind
doesn’t really know the difference and even in those experiences for an adept you realize just how malleable the mind
is and just how like if if you wanted to understand how to turn the lights on in your mind they could have created a game
for that already so there’s no intentions to really get a person into this awareness using this technology
there’s only a purpose to take them more into darkness ignorance and lack of awareness of themselves
right so we’re always doing something different and i feel like as long as we keep doing that
everything will be perfect i don’t care if eight billion people are doing it
if it doesn’t line up inside the code it’s another infiltration it’s just like
uh what’s the movie uh what was that movie uh
inception [Music] you need to be on point
i don’t care if you see everybody doing it you need to realize that the kind of beings that we are even the
reality that you’re perceiving right now can change and you be in another reality
and think it’s the same one you wake up in a reality now everybody
and lining up to go and tamper with their dna if i tap with my dna it’s going to be my
own workshop i’m game for it i’ll drink some crystal water that i created but i’m not you
know i’m not opting into anybody else’s stuff but what i’m saying is is that you need
to understand the framework and the malleability of this reality especially by someone who is a master of the waveform is immense
and that you have this power too but if you don’t wake up to this power because you always demoralized right this is a demoralizing society
they’re constantly weighing you against something how pretty you are how much money you got how smart you are how all
this stuff is like this is real survival of the fittest as far as the mindset is concerned so that’s why most people feel
devalued they feel debased they don’t have roots right
and they don’t have history most of them don’t have culture and i’m saying just in our nucleus now remember we’re not in
in borneo somewhere so there’s other cultures there’s more that goes on than what you’re seeing on tv but just us as
this nation and that’s why i’m here for you because i grew up in the united states of america in oceanside california
you see what i mean i was i went to vista high school in san diego
you see me i went to texas to fort worth you see me and then i went to so i’ve
been to these places i went to uh the the super bowl in florida uh in florida with new
orleans playing and puffy was there you see what i mean so we’ve been in these state places i was at 112
when memphis bleak and jay-z had walked in trying to sign their first deal i was at you see to me i was watching bmf
driving around the streets with all them black cars selling dope to everybody with all the agents following him i was seeing me so i’ve been everywhere
so i’m here with the family and we’ve even sat probably in the same seat i was at lax ready to catch a plane
uh uh uh to atlanta we probably sat in the same seat
we walked across the same path but in the as i’m saying there’s power
here i’ve had times where i have meteorites moldavites sitting on my chakra centers and and go to sleep and
wake up into a world where i can see every single thing that’s ever happened in that house i’m seeing somebody sitting on toy i’m
seeing somebody cook in the kitchen i’m seeing somebody walk down the hall i’m seeing everybody that had ever been in that apartment i’m seeing that all their
is still there in some realm i was terrified
i was definitely not ready for that one like when i turned around i saw myself laying on the bed too i was like and i i
got started i felt myself just rushed back into my body and wake up real fast and i was like what the heck was that
and then i was like that was everything that ever happened in this little bitty ass apartment everybody that was here
and i was like man why did i wake up i should have explored it more and ever since then i’ve been trying that configuration and trying to figure out
what the hell allowed me to get into that space but for me it’s just to quantify that space exists there’s a
space that you can see every single thing that ever happened in that space that you step in
and if you’re telling me that i’m the only one that ever saw that space or the only one that ever tried to interact
with that space out of nine billion of us you’ve got to be a fool so all i’m doing is i’m going to
continue to send this transmission i’m going to continue to send this beacon to all of those that are out there that are
ready to raise up in all of this gather all your experiences and all those beings that you’ve come here to know
and to learn and to experience and to raise us higher like i don’t care everything on any
level we going up one to dislodge all of this system because i’m not a fool i’m i
know i’m in a smaller version of a larger thing
big shift small rudder though i know i have the potential and the ability to change my life
and to offer the gift to others to change theirs and i see that in this time that’s a
good space to be that’s the best space to be because regardless of whatever happened
the same gesture that i’m giving to others no matter where i end up when i
pass beyond this is the same thing that’s going to happen to me something can be like oh no he’s doomed
the high gods he got pissed off at him the last time he cussed out awos and
they were like yo get get rid of him and then some other being a jumping like hold on hold on cousin
he helped my great great grandson to get an awareness because he was
strung out in the streets and he didn’t know about himself and he
ended up hitting up some podcasts on spotify and listened to this dude and changed his life let him go through and
that’s what i said before though i have proof that the reason why i’ve gained certain levels of awareness is because
i’ve never been constricted to who i will assist in this process of coming
into a greater awareness of themselves and that my friends gives you access to the interverse
so welcome to the next stage i trust that you will do something this life that will make you rich the next life so
your space credits will be high and that you will continue to distribute like a great ancestor
everything that you’ve learned and all your gifts that you will distribute to those
that look to you so that’s what i got for today homeless and balanced vibration
let’s go ahead and get into this thing one more crunch up for the evening and and make sure that you remember you can
come and check us out in sovereignty mentorship you know how they got these patreon and all this kind of stuff i will ask you like yeah from time to time
be like man of course we want to expand but how are we going to even keep doing what we’re doing now
right and you know that assistance you know we’ve had sometimes people come in and try to route the tribe and start all
types of craziness that that does damage us to certain degrees and so it’s like if you ever were
sitting there like well how can i support join sovereignty mentorships 54 that could be like patreon except you’re
going to get all of this knowledge but to just see us here doing this
we breathe the same air as you like i said you know we’re we’re breathing the same air so that
means that i’m still going to be dealing with that same thing every single day all the folks that don’t like this the
trolls oh man the trolls are on the level the trolls give me an idea of what we could
be dealing with like when we talk about real manchurians i deal with real manchurians that come in and don’t stop
you see what i mean it’s like in in all of this it’s like you realize that wow you know we’re just trying to
hook folks up to the awareness of themselves but you you got to endure and so just know that we are dealing
with things and the more support the more assistance the more honorings the more of those things that we have it
increases the strength of our fortress so that we can always maintain this pillar of strength in these times so
that’s what it is honest and balanced vibrations let’s go
[Music] time changes space
but where you see light i see worlds
the resistance is planning something bigger [Music]
signal me i’ll come with a linking book to bring us back
it’s from that ole missed [Music]
well then why can’t we see it
we have here nitric acid glycerin and a special mixture of my own together its
horrible dangerous stuff blows you up and mixed together in the right way as only i know how what do you think it
makes i don’t know sir you don’t know [Music]
i can’t be the first one who wanted to see my youngest son [Music]
the beginning of his journey was much more a scholar
our purpose our purpose our purpose
to create a star within a star [Music] so you know math is never just numbers
in the wrong hands it’s a weapon in the right hands
deliverance [Music] [Applause]
[Music] [Applause] [Music]
stay rejuvenated baby [Music] never let them hold you down never let them steal your joy no matter
time changes space look this flat ground we’re standing on
could have been at the at the bottom of the sea a million years ago and a million years from now
it could be the interior of a huge mountain [Music] well then why can’t we see it
[Music] [Applause] [Music]
your awareness may be powerful enough to control [Music]
that’s what it is family thank you so much for taking your time and actually coming into alignment with yourself i trust that we will continue
to connect and i look forward to seeing everybody soon if this was your first time check us out at secretenergy.com
do the like thing subscribe thing that seems to actually get the message out to more people uh if this was something
that you felt inspired with today definitely share it as we mentioned again because the more of us come into
awareness it connects an organic grid that allows us all to receive this transmission of greatness and that’s why
what i say is oftentimes exactly what you’ve been thinking wholeness
homeless and balanced vibrations tribe [Music]
[Music] i mean sending me down here to play games who does he calculate he is
[Music] to the future to be exact do you really expect us to believe such
a story certainly but you yourself just said that it hadn’t really moved that’s
correct well then why can’t we see it because we’re in this room on the 31st
this room even this whole house may not be here in a hundred years but the time machine occupies the same
same space that it did a moment before it went off on its journey
[Music] you must remember that the space you’re putting your hand through is today’s
space you can’t put your hand into the space of tomorrow the space is space it doesn’t change the
same space that’s here now shouldn’t be here or even a thousand years no phillip time changes space
[Music] look this flat ground we’re standing on could have been
at the bottom of the sea a million years ago and a million years from now it could it
could be the interior of a huge mountain all right all right suppose what you say is true what do you expect us to do with
for my part i intend taking a journey into the future the resistance is planning